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Blogging for traffic: Posting on websites like quora versus posting on own website?

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Blogging for traffic: Posting on websites like quora versus posting on own website

When considering blogging for traffic, both posting on websites like Quora and posting on your own website have their unique advantages and potential drawbacks. Here’s a comparison to help you decide which approach may suit your needs best:

Posting on Websites like Quora


  1. Built-In Audience:
    • Platforms like Quora have a large, active user base, allowing your content to reach a wide audience without extensive marketing efforts.
  2. Authority and Trust:
    • Established platforms are trusted by users and search engines alike, which can help your content rank higher in search results and be perceived as more credible.
  3. Engagement and Interaction:
    • These platforms encourage engagement through upvotes, comments, and shares, providing immediate feedback and interaction with readers.
  4. SEO Benefits:
    • High-traffic websites often have strong domain authority, meaning your posts can rank well on search engines and drive traffic back to your own website through backlinks.


  1. Ownership and Control:
    • You don’t own the platform, so you have limited control over your content and how it’s displayed. The platform can change its policies or algorithms, which might affect your reach.
  2. Branding:
    • While you can establish yourself as an expert, it’s more challenging to build your brand identity compared to having a dedicated space for your content.
  3. Monetization:
    • Direct monetization options are usually limited. The primary benefit is indirect, through traffic and brand recognition.

Posting on Your Own Website


  1. Full Control:
    • You have complete control over your content, design, and user experience. You can implement your own SEO strategies and adjust your website to maximize traffic and engagement.
  2. Brand Building:
    • Having a dedicated blog helps establish and reinforce your brand identity. It’s easier to create a cohesive brand message and experience.
  3. Monetization:
    • You can directly monetize your blog through ads, affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, or selling products/services.
  4. Long-Term Value:
    • Content on your own site continues to build value over time, driving ongoing traffic and improving your site’s authority and search rankings.


  1. Audience Building:
    • It takes time and effort to build a regular audience on your own site. You’ll need to invest in marketing and SEO to drive traffic.
  2. Resource Intensive:
    • Managing and maintaining your own website requires more resources, including time, money, and technical skills.
  3. Immediate Reach:
    • Unlike established platforms, your own site won’t have a built-in audience, meaning it can take longer to see significant traffic.

Combining Both Approaches

A hybrid strategy often yields the best results. You can use platforms like Quora to gain initial visibility and drive traffic to your own website. By answering relevant questions and linking back to your blog, you can leverage the built-in audience of these platforms while simultaneously building your own site’s authority and audience. This way, you benefit from the immediate exposure and long-term growth potential.


  1. Leverage Quora for Initial Exposure:
    • Identify questions relevant to your niche and provide valuable, well-crafted answers. Include links to related content on your blog to drive traffic.
  2. Build a Comprehensive Blog:
    • Focus on creating high-quality, SEO-optimized content on your own website. Offer in-depth articles, guides, and resources that provide value to your audience.
  3. Cross-Promotion:
    • Promote your blog content on social media, email newsletters, and other platforms to drive traffic back to your site.
  4. Engagement and Analytics:
    • Engage with your audience on both platforms, responding to comments and questions. Use analytics to track traffic sources and optimize your strategy accordingly.

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